commissioned animations
During 2024 I had the fortune to help out several writers and directors with their animated projects. Here are all of those free of non-disclosure agreements.
Misgivings (Film OUTRO)
Yet another memorable project director Duncan James commissioned me. This time, for the same movie I had made the titles for, he asked me to work on his rolling credits and a closing scene, all being about animating characters and also handwritten overlays. An absolute delight to have helped with such a wonderful project!
C'est La Vie (Series INTRO)
This was my first animated project for a client, a 30-second introduction to the upcoming series "C'est la vie". Director Laura Fortino had reached out to me looking for a simplistic yet 60's styled animated character, and it was fun to accept the challenge!
Unholy Song (Film INTRO)
Director Arthur G. Night asked me for a 30-second introduction for his now released movie Unholy Song. A true pleasure to plan out the scenes and understand his vision through his samples and knowledge of the horror genre.
Misgivings (Film INTRO)
Duncan James is an artist with an amazing eye who came to me with a movie about to be released. He asked for an introduction of 30 seconds, a simple one that could depict the everyday life of Suze, the main character of his movie. For me, it was a true pleasure to plan out everything and polish it to its best results.
The Kids at Latimer High 2 (BOOK TRAILER)
Writer Deborah Copeland is a kind woman who ventures into worlds from other times, back when we were younger and carefree. She came to me with the wish to bring her characters to life for 1 minute and it was an exciting adventure! The challenge to polish it to the expectations of her team was an unforgettable delight!